No, TooDope Teachers, let's not let the children eat in class. "Setting aside pedagogy," some students suffer from severe food allergies. Some allergies are so severe that if the afflicted student touches a door handle that has been touched by hands that touched the allergenic food, the student can go into anaphylaxis.

It's very thoughtful that you want your students to be fed and not distracted in class by hunger, but it's very irresponsible to risk other students' lives for that thoughtfulness. There are good reasons why so many schools have building-wide rules against eating in the classroom. This is one of them. Unless you can monitor every item that every student brings into your classroom to eat, you could very well be liable for an allergic student's injury...or death. It's better to have a controlled environment (as much as it can be controlled, anyway) where students eat that takes that responsibility off of your plate, so to speak.

If you choose to violate that rule, let students eat in your class, and a student goes into anaphylactic shock, you'd better have a good defense prepared.  And an EpiPen.

And besides...

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